Friday, December 12, 2008

My Wild Friday Night

It is a cold and windy night in San Francisco. The moon is spectacular (well it was before the infamous San Francisco fog rolled in to obscure it); apparently it is the fullest moon in the last 15 years. I was able to capture a picture of the moon amidst the crazy cloud formations from my back deck.

These days, my idea of an enjoyable Friday night is relaxing at home with the cats and enjoying a glass of wine while surfing the internet and watching TV. Tonight, my new favorite blog is And tonight's TV line up includes Stargate Atlantis and Sanctuary. While I enjoy Stargate Atlantis, I still prefer Stargate SG1, which I still miss. As for Sanctuary, I enjoy it, it is a little darker than what I normally like.

Now back to relaxing in front of the heater with a cat or two on my lap.
Have a good weekend!

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